Friday, August 16, 2013

I think people have a misconception about TSHTF

I'm usually too busy doing my own survival stuff, running classes, backpacking, and all that to really pay too much attention to other bloggers or whatever in the survival space.

However I do on occassion read a blog post if something catches my eye.  Now to be honest, things like "what to stock" is almost always something that I read because it helps me spot things that I might be missing or haven't thought of, or forgotten, or whatever.

I am regularly astounded however by some of the things people list either as a "necessary" bug out bag item or as something that should be stocked at your BOL.

THIS POST is an example of what I'm talking about.  Mimeograph machines??? Are you serious?

Look, your BOL is a location that you stock for when something goes really bad.  If your BOL is in the same goegraphic area and there's a natural disaster then your BOL won't be habitable anymore than your home is.

The truth right now however is that what is going on makes me think that your BOL is going to be much more useful should the US government declare some form of martial law.  Given the positively insane amount of ammo that the Department of Homeland Security is buying (1.6 billion rounds at present, enough to wage full scale war for 30 years) combined with the ever growing purchases of food supplies by FEMA, purchased in a way that seems to be purposely interrupting the supply chain of emergency food for preppers ... I think it's a fairly likely scenario.

Especially when you figure that the US is currently buried in an ACTUAL yearly deficit running at 75% of GDP and an ACTUAL debt load rapidly approaching 200 trillion dollars, is going to mean that sooner or later the US is going to "pay" for the debt by currency inflation.  That will lead to actual massive inflation and THAT is when the crack down will occur (I call it "Syria in the US").

Understand that a massive crackdown by the US government against the citizenry (effectively eliminating the "pesky" constitution) means several very important things.

1) The electrical grid is going to be closely monitored.
2) Various types and flavors of "law enforcement" personnel are going to be actively looking for people trying to be independent
3) Satellite technology means that any gun stashes that you THINK you have hidden are actually well known

Here's what I'm saying.

If (when really) TSHTF you need to be as invisible as possible.  You need to be able to live without electricity or gas.  If you think the government isn't going to use satellites to find homes being heated that aren't on a known electrical grid or getting fuel oil from known suppliers you are sorely mistaken.

Should the US government do exactly what it looks like its preparing to do, living anywhere in the US is going to be difficult no matter how great your BOL is.

In fact I'm going to go farther.

Unless the US decides to perform a wholesale takeover of both Mexico and Canada then I am rapidly coming to the belief that you need a BOL in both locations.  I say both because which you go to will depend on a number of factors.

One in the wilderness of far north Canada (where bothering you is more trouble than its worth) or very deep into southern Mexico  (area south of Monterey) where again its just not worth messing with you.  Or better yet, go farther south still into Honduras, Belize, or El Salvador (all of which are beautiful by the way).

Each has its own pros and cons.  If you go north, you can set yourself up with things like electricity and fuel oil and you can be exceedingly independent.  The culture up there is a culture of independence, of making it on your own and bartering for the few things you do need.

However it is extremely cold and you had better know what you're doing to survive up there.

On the flip side, if you set yourself up south of Mexico you can go into the wilderness areas there an live quite comfortably thanks to a very temperate climate.  However you have to understand how to survive the storms.  The great thing about both places is that you can set yourself up with electricity generation using both solar and wind.  (again, inside the US you'll be found if you do this and "brought to heel")

All of these things are why I keep saying the same thing ... all survival sooner or later is primitive survival.  If you're going to go south of Mexico or into the Canadian Wilderness you'd better be fairly skilled in primitive survival.


A BOL inside the US is now useful only for a natural disaster and THAT means that your BOL needs to be in a different geographical area than where you live.  Of course actually getting to your BOL during or even shortly after a natural disaster is probably going to be difficult if not actually impossible.

Start thinking about setting up BOLs outside the US should the economy collapse and martial law is declared.

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